트이닝 팩Ⅴ -
퀴즈 풀이
퀴즈 풀이
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퀴즈 풀이
4단계 Box 시스템이란
퀴즈 풀이
4단계 Box 크기 설정
퀴즈 풀이
의 메달 획득 조건
내 퀴즈함
학습한 모든 퀴즈
확인 가능
학습 내역
퀴즈 학습에 대한
전체 통계 확인 가능
퀴즈 풀이
설정 초기화 하기
트이닝 룸 v2.5.1
MAD for English Conversation Vol. 1
01-001. Hey, how’re you?
01-002. Nice to meet you.
01-003. What’s your name?
01-004. Please call me Jack.
01-005. Nice meeting you.
02-006. Good morning, Jason.
02-007. I overslept this morning.
02-008. How’re you doing today?
02-009. How’re things with you?
02-010. What’s up?
02-011. How’s it going, dude?
03-012. See you on Monday!
03-013. Let’s keep in touch!
03-014. Have a nice day!
03-015. Thank you so much.
03-016. Thanks a million.
04-017. I am a student.
04-018. I’m a dog person.
04-019. I’m not upset.
04-020. Are you sleepy?
04-021. What’s your nationality?
04-022. Where are you from?
05-023. Do you speak English?
05-024. How many languages do you speak?
05-025. I can speak fluent English.
06-026. It was an honest mistake.
06-027. This is crappy!
06-028. What’s that?
06-029. Is this seat taken?
06-030. Come again?
06-031. Sorry, I didn’t catch you.
07-032. I like bananas.
07-033. They are sheep.
07-034. Are these fat-free?
07-035. Are they on sale?
07-036. It’s completely over.
08-037. Who is she?
08-038. They’re Mr. and Mrs. Brooks.
09-039. I have a quick question.
09-040. I got a problem.
09-041. You don’t have to listen to her.
09-042. I should get going.
트이닝 콘텐츠 업데이트
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